Force a dom element to keep a specified aspect ratio. This is very helpful in responsive design.
This relies on the relation of the padding parameter to the elements width.
Here is an example how to calculate the percentage of the padding bottom for a 16:9 aspect ratio.
\[16:9 ≙ \frac{9}{16} * 100 \]
Example ratios:
- 1:1 ≙ 100%
- 1:2 ≙ 200%
- 2:1 ≙ 50%
- 3:2 ≙ 66.6666%
- 4:3 ≙ 75%;
- 16:9 ≙ 56.25%
- 21:9 ≙ 42.8571%
Resize the page to see it in action.
SASS mixin